Investment & Management

Being closely attuned to market and with a bias towards long-term strategic investment, we are willing to challenge industry orthodoxy. We partner closely with best-in-class consultants and advisers and combine an astute approach to due diligence without compromising the pace of deal execution.

Planning & Development

Adopting long term time horizons has enabled HDG to deliver complex land assemblies of under-developed strategic sites in the path of progress and/or buildings with potential to add value. Few property businesses, other than private familial ones, can adopt a multi-decade perspective. Not only does this provide us with a competitive edge, but it is also demonstrably one of the most value accretive planning and development approaches.

Our work includes overall development strategy, feasibility, briefing design management and town planning. HDG also has a substantial track record in delivery of complex construction projects.

Finance & Structuring

Our experience and nimbleness allows us to optimize the funding and holding of our investments and projects, whether it be through partnership structures, traditional property debt, alternative financing or combinations thereof. In each case, we start with a detailed analysis of potential outcomes and risks of each proposal to assess the risk-weighted returns and downside mitigation measures attributable.