What We’ve Done
HDG adopts a multi-disciplinary approach to projects which can vary significantly in scale and across a breadth of sectors, including offices, retail, residential and industrial. Yet, they all share something in common: our commitment to professionalism and being hands-on.
Our Workplace track record includes a range of completed and future office-led and mixed-use regeneration projects. Our role has spanned site acquisition, feasibility, town planning, design and construction management through to completion and the letting and sale process.

Our retail track record has included several prime projects in Central London, with our role spanning site amalgamation, negotiation of vacant possession, feasibility, briefing and design management, planning and listed building consent and construction management.

Our residential portfolio has included a range of developments spanning luxury apartments, prime town-houses as well as larger residential led mixed-use schemes.

Industrial & Strategic Land Holdings
We have delivered new industrial developments as well as acquired existing sites for their alternative use potential. We always seek to identify and appraise sites against our principle investment ethos which favours under-developed strategic sites in the path of progress.